we had dinner last night at my aunt and uncles house...it was nice.

baby chics!!!! how cute are they?!

love those beaks. the eyes kill me.

and the feet...aren't the feet kinda creepy?!

grandma mcalpin...she made that cake too!!! mmmmm

i may have had seconds!!

they let the big chickens run around and eat grass and bugs...it's super cute.

look at their house. uncle ralph... he's good.

that's dad with chickens.

i picked these, and i ate these!!! they were goooood!

oh man, these concord grapes are so delicious, esp when they're warm.

look at all their tomatoes! that's heaven.

they sent me home with a bag of tomatoes, a bag of grapes, a cabbage that's bigger than my head, and some cucumber...soo THANKFUL!!!

aunt tricia and i took this photo to make rose jealous. but i'm starting to feel bad. so i won't try too hard to make her jealous, cause i'm scared it will backfire and make her sad. rose, your mom and dad can't wait to see you at home! :) and they rule.

aunt tricia and one of her "finds". so cute.
she made it better by giving him plant hair. s'good.

oh and word got around that rose got uncle ralph the box set of planet earth...and he hadn't opened it! so. i opened it, and aunt tricia put a disc in!!! rose, he loved it!!! how could he not?!
you're a good gift giver! just sayin.

oh and...i used to love this room on holidays. that velvet chair and the fish tank. so very beautiful.
i had a good time. they're good at spoiling! :)
ohio rules.