the post office...i love the post office...i've always loved the post office. THIS post office, not all post offices.

"The Enchanted Forest" which is next to "The Dog House"
okay, The Enchanted Forest FOR SURE beats The Dog House...but they do have different purposes. one is to make rad art out of trees with a chain saw, and the other is to sell West Milton/Milton-Union Bulldog clothes. ... hmmm

He made that giraffe...Johnny "the wood man" Bookwalter. He was one of Michael's best friends. That building used to be an old movie theatre. I'm not sure what year he bought it, but he moved to milton from dayton after he got booted for painting the sidewalk yellow outside of his store, hence the yellow brick rd. sign on this door. Johnny passed away last year at some point, Michael said he was a rebel who loved to talk about aliens and god.
a long time ago, i remember being in the factory across the street from The Enchanted Forest (i have no idea why i was in the factory, but i was). Johnny came right in and looked at the person behind the desk and said "you complaining about me?" -I'm not sure if the person behind the desk said anything back, but then Johnny said "I was here first, and if anyone needs to keep the noise down it's YOU." then he turned around and walked out. i thought he was so cool. he was.

Artistry in Wood
EXPRESSIONS Presents "the wood man"
the yellow brick rd.
The Enchanted Forest Museum and Gallery

this is Curry's Video...they have a good air conditioner in there. it's perfect in the summer. they also have slushies...oh oh oh oh oh aaaaand they give you free popcorn on your way out. AWESOME!!!

Brickhouse Cafe...they have good food and they serve coffee, which i love! but they are closed on sundays and mondays, which i think totally sucks.

Wertz Variety Store...I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!! no matter what, this place brings me joy. so many little things to look at. awesome candy, random stuff...it's great. i grew up visiting Wertz.

front of Wertz Variety Store

this is Wertz Hardware...i love hardware stores.

Carole's Coiffeurs...they do hair.

above: The Pearson House and Kroplin Jewelers

more of The Pearson House, cause they have the BEST pancakes.
and it's soooo cheap.

open 'til ... that rules.

"Foxezz" is what we like to call Fox's Pizza Den...they make decent pizza. sometimes you can walk in, and you won't find anyone at all to help you. it's super cool.

we call this "the corner bar", it's called "Corner Tavern & Bar"...pretty close.
i haven't visited the corner bar enough in my life.

this is The Hens Nest. they have crafty things, and it smells like cinnamon goodness. you know, it smells like all crafty country places smell.

Angel Heaven is featured above...I've never been. there are a lot of cement angels.

this store is called "Really Cool Stuff" ... looks fun inside, never been.
if anyone wants to visit me here in the old West Milton, OH...please do. I'm not hard to find. ask anyone ... "hey, where did Linda used to live" and they'll point you in the right direction.