home soon...
yes...i will be home soon. for 4 days...not enough...but oh i'm looking forward to it. love and comfort...and some crazy kitties. .. . .... can't wait. home sweet home.
yesterday..at the photo studio - millo
Coney Island ---family fun

my trip was great! wish i could do it every weekend. just wish my boy was with me too. damn.
little cat, once again...attacking and happy
don't you just love love love her?!!!
mona has the paint brush, and i have the camera.
3 new guys that made me smile yesterday morning
old pictures - me and the giant peach

i love being a twin. i miss him. i miss you. oh shit, look at the balloon sculpture in between us.
this morning - stanley
this morning, when i was walking home from the ben franklin bridge, i saw a man feeding a bunch of birds...pigeons and sparrows...he gave them tons of popcorn and white bread. i watched as he fed them. the birds weren't scared of him at all.
as the man walked away, i asked him if he feeds them at the same time everyday. he said "yes, same time everyday...10 o'clock...i get a break from work, and i come here. they know what time it is." "i feed them good wonder bread, and sometimes i cut up hotdogs and give it to them, they eat better than us." he had a wok shirt on, and i noticed that his name is stanley. he's from another country, he's missing most of his front teeth, and he rules. i'm going to go see him next weekend, at 10 o'clock.
he even refills their birdbath. it's a plastic bowl, that he puts a rock in so it doesn't blow away. the pigeons love it!!
as the man walked away, i asked him if he feeds them at the same time everyday. he said "yes, same time everyday...10 o'clock...i get a break from work, and i come here. they know what time it is." "i feed them good wonder bread, and sometimes i cut up hotdogs and give it to them, they eat better than us." he had a wok shirt on, and i noticed that his name is stanley. he's from another country, he's missing most of his front teeth, and he rules. i'm going to go see him next weekend, at 10 o'clock.
yesterday - full of fun and animals
the view from the deck. south west view...it was such a beautiful night. we had a cookout. full of really yummy food.
New York - last weekend

crackerfarm (lindsey and mike)we were at the mac store, just to cool off in the airconditioning, and pee... i think it was mona's amazing idea ... by the way, these two people are incredible. !!!
this morning...ben franklin bridge

look, another little man..
rad sneaks
welcome home sue

sue got picked up from the vet last night. in this perfect little box. her ashes are inside wrapped in black velvet. she was cremated on 7.13.07... i miss her.
i loved that she always slept with me...if it was on my chest, or on my pillow, or on the pillow beside mine, she was always there.
little thing, i wish i could welcome the real you back home... but, i guess the box of you will have to do.
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