ha...while dub and i were waiting for friends to come over...we decided to color.
at the end of the evening i asked everyone which they liked the best...they all picked dubs. ...
but look at mine...seriously, i used both grey and white for the stormy clouds. ...
it's okay, no one cares.

yes, mine on the left...dub's on the right.


aw, i'm a loser.

after eating at Tattooed Moms. it was freeeeeee!!!

dorks. dorks that i love.

we played with airplanes after eating. fun fun fun.
mike, alex, bobby

oh yah, thats my plane.

mike and his.

alex and hers.

bobby and his.

no one was out, we got to play in the street. ;)

john and joe...oops...joe is real blurry.

dub and some peeps.

billy boy...poor man, he can barely fit in the large bowl. he's getting too big.

this was my second thanksgiving dinner. dub made it!!! it was soooo good!!!
oh and btw, do not chase beer with red wine.
okay then.