yes ohio...i went home last weekend. it was beautiful. it was fun. it was home.

this is michael's dashboard. a rad site to see...sticks, feathers and dirt. like you're riding free. ha.

michael got me these amazing sunglasses. don't be jealous. please. we can share.

adam, michael and i eating HaHa Pizza in yellowsprings. it was so yummy!!! so nice to see adam, and laugh about old times.

then off to cincinnati...to meet ol'jonnie. green hat matchers. on purpose. k.

oh lord, this is celine. she is gorgeous. so friendly, so lovey...anyone would love her...that's a challenge.

look at this paw. i would suggest clicking on the photo...so it gets bigger, and then you can see the amazing edible paw.

jon, celine-o, and jon's brother...nick. funny fuckers.

yes...nice, i know. just a white trash couple in cincinnati. no big deal. he actually picked that hair extension off the ground and tucked it under his hat. sick. but damn funny if you ask me.

boys losing it at the gas station. i can't tell you how long it was taking us to get gas. the greatest thing was that we didn't even care. we just laughed our way through it. "now i'm at 39 cents"

ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! home sweet home!!!!! and momma watering the plants...duh. what else would she be doing???

oh well lookie, a little pisook, and a little halloween...tired all day, everday. i'm serious. all they do is sleep. but they also let you dig into them...that's always nice.

the tent that jon and i camped out in. mom had it all set up in the back yard. it was awesome.

going thrifting...jon was quite tired...but once we saw the thrift store...blood started pumping. :)

michael, waiting for me to hop out of the van...before thrifting...just look at the shirt. only a crazy genius would wear it.

talking about natvie americans, drinking iced tea...chillin in the front yard. we did a lot of this.

grams...oh heaven. grams. ..... so sweet...and wearing betty boop shirt. duh.

went on a nature walk at Brukner Nature Center. it was so beautiful.

mom and jon.

jon got pooped on. awwww..... i thought it was pretty great though.

sleeping bob cat. wait, is that right? i don't know. maybe she/he had a different name, but i loved it.

and this is a sideways bald eagle...he wasn't actually sideways. i just forgot to fix this pic. oops

a big white catfish, and two little goldfish friends. they were so pretty.

me, flatfaced in the background...trying to kiss michael...as we were walking up to...

marions pizza!!!!! ha. grams, mom, jon, michael and i killed a couple pizzas for dinner. it was good too.

uh, oh...here they are. looks gross...but oh so good.

after eating we brought bread to the west milton park and fed these guys.

and last but not least...this guy. just some orange guy hanging out at a west milton junk shop. i could have stolen him in 2 seconds. and i actually thought about it.
i had such a good time. xoxoxoxo